Who are IGovS?
IGovS are a group of ex-National Leaders of Governance from across the country who have chosen, for a variety of reasons (both personal and professional) not to apply to become NLGs under the 2021 contract so we formed IGovS in July 2021 through the power of social media.
We are here to support each other to support you by showcasing the wide range of support that is on offer from our members for those with a school governance responsibility in any setting. Noting that the new DfE/NGA badged NLGs will be focused on undertaking External Reviews of Governance under prescribed criteria, we came together to ensure that anyone with a governance responsibility can still benefit from the mentoring, ‘safe space’ conversations and guidance which as former NLGs we were willing to offer. We do not want the system to lose this support.
Our experience
Our members are Chairs or Vice chairs in both the maintained and academy sectors with a vast range of skills, knowledge, and experience. Some members have been NLGs for as long as the programme has been in existence and as a group, we have supported 1000’s of governors, chairs, vice chairs, heads, CEO, and clerks and in a range of ways; both paid (some of us work full time in governance) and unpaid through either formal deployments or through goodwill.
Currently our members sit on or chair a wide range of strategic subregional and DfE supported boards and groups ranging from Maths Hubs and Teaching School Hubs through to a wide range of Educational Service Providers. This gives us a unique perspective of the support that is available for your schools as well as being able to share ideas, good practice and research.
They also currently work for a range of organisations who offer training, coaching and mentoring or are self-employed, semi-retired, or working for Trusts as clerks and governance support. A number of our members run their own governance consultancies, training and advisory services and you are warmly invited to view their websites from the links on our Resources Page
Signposting Our Reach – Governance Sans Frontiers
Working virtually means that we can support chairs, governors, trustees, heads, CEO and clerks wherever they are based. Telephone calls, emails, and Direct Messages via Social Media are always welcome.
Some members manage closed Facebook groups where there is a free advice, Q&A, sharing of ideas and CPD opportunities and are active on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Our members are also based across the country from Cumbria to Lincolnshire, Lancashire to London and beyond. We are looking forward to talking with and meeting you.
We are keen to work with other groups and affiliations such as Local Leaders of Governance.
IGovS is new and evolving and we will rely on our visitors and supportees to spread the word, so please get in touch via our IGovS contact page or the individuals Social Media accounts listed in their profiles – we are here to help.
Please note: we will do our very best to offer our support and guidance for free. However if a member is asked to travel a significant distance or longer term significant support is needed, then a member is entitled to negotiate a consultancy fee, which will be set independently of this website and of course with the agreement of the supported person or school.